[Coco] How Many OR90s can be utilized?
RETRO Innovations
go4retro at go4retro.com
Sun Nov 13 01:13:42 EST 2016
On 11/12/2016 1:13 PM, Zippster wrote:
> Will be doing at least one small run when I’m done building and sending out these mini-MPIs.
I figured.
> Plenty of room in the CPLD. I’ll take a look at adding some features, start off with Orch90 default address with programmable addressing
> (user can set it) as an option perhaps.
That's my main problem.
I'm using an XC95144xl, and with all of the FLASH, EEPROM, etc.
technology, I am running out of CPLD room.
Currently, I have enough space left to devote a bit in my "CocoFLASH
config register" to turn the OR90 decoding on or off.
But, I wanted to create a "address mapping" register. Doing so puts me
way over on macrocell usage (177 MCs), So I was hoping that simply
allowing the user to turn on/off a specific CocoFLASH OR90 capability
would be enough. The problem is that doing so means 4 channel writes
will take 16 additional cycles per write sequence, whereas allowing the
OR90 registers to move would be the better option (but takes too many MCs).
To ensure that each of my designs can be relocated in the IO space, I
created a "state machine" on $ff80, which does not conflict with
anything. By writing some magic bytes to $ff80, one can reset the
address range of any of my designs. I can use the same state machine to
support the
Any Verilog gurus out there who think they can help shrink the design :-)
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