[Coco] Level 1 & Drivewire

Joel Ewy jcewy at swbell.net
Sat Jan 2 22:07:58 EST 2016

On 01/02/2016 12:30 PM, Neal Crook wrote:
> Hi Bill (Nobel),
> I checked the Drivewire spec. and found that it calls for 1 start + 8 data
> + 1 stop and that 115,200bps is a supported speed.
> I reviewed the UART RTL and ran an RTL simulation and confirmed that the
> UART is hard-wired for 1 start + 8 data + 1 stop -- and the default
> configuration runs at 115,200bps.
> In summary, I was incorrect to indicate any hardware impediment. It seems
> as though "all" that's needed is a version of dwio.asm that writes to a
> 6850-style UART. Are you interest in working on this?

Another benefit of a DW driver that uses a 6850-style UART would be 
possible support for the SWTPC.


> regards,
> Neal.

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