[Coco] Computer Assisted translation of programs form 6502 to 6809

Barry Nelson barry.nelson at amobiledevice.com
Wed Feb 3 19:16:29 EST 2016

Actually, it did add some comments, mostly for known hardware port address and BASIC subroutine addresses like this:
       STA   $FF7F  Multi-pak slot select
Stuff like that. It only disassembled 6809 code though, not 6502, and it assumed the code was running on CoCo hardware.

> Dave Philipsen dave at davebiz.com 
> Wed Feb 3 18:45:17 EST 2016
> That would be very cool, Barry. I hope you find it sometime. Maybe if
> you get a chance you can improve upon it and create a disassembler that 
> creates comments! :-)
> Dave

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