[Coco] CoCo Liquidation

Henry Rietveld rietveldh at hotmail.com
Wed Dec 21 09:00:26 EST 2016

Hi. I checked on shipping for the dragon but it will be too much.   Thanks anyway. Hope someone else will put it to good use

Sent from my  Passport SE smartphone
  Original Message
From: Brian Blake
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2016 6:09 PM
Reply To: CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts
Cc: CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts
Subject: [Coco] CoCo Liquidation

Merry Christmas CoCoNutz!

After much consideration, and what's looking like a cross-country move
coming up, I'm going to drastically reduce my collection.

Here's what I know I'm getting rid of:

  * 1 NIB CoCo3
  * 1 NIB Tano Dragon 64
  * 1 CoCo 1 s/n 00138 (16K)
  * 1 CoCo 1 32K - NO ECB ROM
  * 2 MPI's - one white original style, one newer style
  * 2 (at least) CoCo 2's
  * 1 CoCo 1 with an HJL-57 keyboard
  * I should have a couple floppy drive carcasses around as well
  * A whole BUNCH of floppy disks (CoCo and I'm assuming PC DS/DD as I
    haven't had time to check them all out)

There will most likely be more. I'm only going to keep a CoCo 1 (maybe
2) and a couple CoCo 3's and some floppy disk equipment. Not sure yet if
I'm going to hold on to my Rainbow collection. If anyone is interested
in any of these items, please contact me off-list as I'd hate to take up
lot's of people's inbox space with numerous replies.


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