[Coco] Over heard at the CoCo Fest

Bill Pierce ooogalapasooo at aol.com
Sat Apr 30 23:08:26 EDT 2016

Tim, I've met several people that owned the Orch90 cart for years and had no idea it did more than play the William Tell Overture. The had not even looked at the manual other than how to play the sample.


Bill Pierce
"Charlie stole the handle, and the train it won't stop going, no way to slow down!" - Ian Anderson - Jethro Tull


My Music from the Tandy/Radio Shack Color Computer 2 & 3
Co-Contributor, Co-Editor for CocoPedia
Global Moderator for TRS-80/Tandy Color Computer Forums

E-Mail: ooogalapasooo at aol.com



-----Original Message-----
From: tim lindner <tlindner at macmess.org>
To: CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts <coco at maltedmedia.com>
Sent: Sat, Apr 30, 2016 9:46 pm
Subject: [Coco] Over heard at the CoCo Fest

"Hey, isn't that the William Tell Overture Cartridge?"-- --tim lindner"Proper User Policy apparently means Simon Says."-- Coco mailing listCoco at maltedmedia.comhttps://pairlist5.pair.net/mailman/listinfo/coco

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