[Coco] OT: Upgrade to WIndows 10?

Mark McDougall msmcdoug at iinet.net.au
Tue Nov 24 17:37:10 EST 2015

On 25/11/2015 9:01 AM, Stephen H. Fischer wrote:

> One advantage for developers is that you can run the Insider Version
> of W 10 dual booting with W 7, something you cannot do if you take
> the "FREE" upgrade route.
> The requirements are stiff, you must be capable of zeroing your hard
> disk and starting with a clean install if something goes really bad,
> willing and able to recover from serious problems and workaround
> things that do not work.

And that sounds like something I wouldn't touch with a 10-ft barge pole 
either. FTR I went down the dual-boot path many years ago and gave it up 
as unwieldy.

A colleague of mine has multiple clients and projects running in 
parallel and does all his work - which is _ALL_ windows-based - within 
VM's on his Apple laptop. One per project. He swears by it but I've also 
seen some of the hoops he has to jump through and the juggling he needs 
to do when disk space becomes a factor.

We also tried VM's quite a few years ago (WinXP days) and whilst I 
acknowledge things have improved since then, it was more trouble that it 
was worth at the time.

Right now I have a Win 8.1 DVD sitting on my desk and I'll be dragging a 
whole machine out of storage to install that on.


|              Mark McDougall              | "Electrical Engineers do it
|  <http://members.iinet.net.au/~msmcdoug> |   with less resistance!"

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