[Coco] 4 Port MPI PCB artwork (finished)

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Thu Mar 19 07:39:21 EDT 2015

On Thursday 19 March 2015 01:47:08 RETRO Innovations wrote:
> I believe I've added all the required features to the unit:
> http://s6.postimg.org/sbh4i6m81/PCB1_5.png

The png doesn't repro the back side all that well here, but other than 
that, this is looking really good Jim.  The only comment re me making a 
test sample is that I can't do a solder thru via that small, so they 
will have to be plated thru. I can get drills that small, but 
solderability for the piece of wire wrap to serve as the thru hole will 
be a problem unless the wire wrap wire can be maintained in position for 
a reflow heat cycle.  And they would all have to be done, if doing it by 
hand, before any interfering parts are mounted.

>   * Re-arranged bufferboard to fit a std cart case (Thanks K. Pruitt
> :-) * Added multiple mounting holes
>   * Added potential 5th slot on end of unit.  Can be set as direct
>     passthrough or mirror of slot 4.
>   * Removed angled ears on buffer board (won't fit in std cart case,
> not needed for stability)
>   * Added master reset button
>   * Added master AUTO_START switch
>   * Added master RESET Disconnect switch and master disable switch
> (same as Gunnison's design)
>   * Trimmed PCB outline to fit cart case
>   * Trimmed ground pads to fit Dragon

Some rebate is needed to fit the coco's too, my best guess is that there 
isn't a practical difference.  Difference in diameter of the 4-40 screw 
the coco used there, and a 2.5 or 3mm screw they may have used in the 
dragon.  But I don't have a dragon to measure.

> Too late tonight to create a full BOM and get assembly pricing, but
> maybe tomorrow night.  Good news is that the 20/40 .100 connectors are
> shipped and ready for assembly
> Comments appreciated.
> Jim
> --
> RETRO Innovations, Contemporary Gear for Classic Systems
> www.go4retro.com
> store.go4retro.com

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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