[Coco] 6 Chip 6809 Computer - Final Design, Hopefully

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Tue Mar 10 07:40:14 EDT 2015

On Tuesday 10 March 2015 05:47:11 Kip Koon wrote:
> Hi Gene,
> I did not know there was a maximum length for a url.  My browser has
> no problem with these links whatsoever.  I use the latest version of
> Firefox.

This iceweasal, 31.5.0 which is firefox with the firefox branding removed 
because the branding is copyright mozilla, and not compatible with the 
debian view of GPL compatibility. Mozilla makes others remove the 
branding if they want to use the engine. 31.5.0 is  also somewhat long 
in the tooth but works for 99% of the network news sites.
> You might want to try it.  It works well for me.  Here are 
> the three links again with angle brackets. This is the main schematic.
> <https://www.dropbox.com/s/dx7wvrpkk7qzabm/Grant%27s%206-Chip%206809%2
>out%20Kipper%20Bus%20sch.pdf?dl=0> This is the power rails and DC input
> schematic.
> <https://www.dropbox.com/s/avjexzf88bghgxe/Grant%27s%206-Chip%206809%2
>out%20Kipper%20Bus%20sch%202.pdf?dl=0> This is the PCB Board layout.
> <https://www.dropbox.com/s/gj1k632ktzlhyfs/Grant%27s%206-Chip%206809%2
>yout%20Kipper%20Bus%20brd.pdf?dl=0> They still get broke up so if you
> highlight both lines, copy and paste them into your browser, they
> should work.  I've always just highlighted all lines of a url in an
> email, copied and pasted them into Firefox and it immediately finds
> the web page with no problem.  I hope this helps you.  Take care my
> friend.

Still a 404 here.  From the looks of the address bar contents, the %20, 
which is a hex for a space character, is being translated to a space by 
something here, and a space is not legal in a valid html address.  

That's likely a problem on this end.  You are stuck with what dropbox 
gives you I expect, but this is why you 
Their using the underscore as a hard space and that is then a legal url 
to everyone.

If dropbox can be told to use them it would be a big plus. But I've never 
used dropbox, so I have zilch experience with that site.

But its also one of the reasons, that when I need to put a large (usually 
text) file someplace where others can look at it & spot my fubar's, I 
use pastebin.ca.  Or I'll just put it someplace on my page & tell where 
it is at in  an email to the appropriate mailing list.  The disadvantage 
to that is the poorer uplink speed to you, around 300kb/sec.  One of the 
reasons too, that I jpeg smunched that front page picture until it 
yelled uncle.  The original 10 megabyte version looked good, but took 
north of 40 seconds to load.  Its also why I, when I have lots of images 
to show, I use jigl, As it shows you on entry to that directory, a 
screen full of thumbnails, which is full screened on a click on one of 
them, or yet another click returns the original image but needs to be 
scrolled left/right/up/down because its bigger than your monitor screen.

The disadvantage to that is that I can't put a caption on the pix, only 
in the pix. So while they can be read easily in the originals, the 
shrinkage even in the full screen version destroys it.  Sort of a damned 
if I do and damned if I don't.  A linked caption would be much more 
usable but jigl can't do that.  Darn it.

> Kip Koon
> computerdoc at sc.rr.com
> http://www.cocopedia.com/wiki/index.php/Kip_Koon
> From Gene Heskett...
> <snip>
> This link won't work with most browsers as its way too long at 177
> active characters.  Nor is it surrounded by what is used in html as
> quotation marks, aka a <link> syntax.
> For stuff like this kip, turn off the word wrap in your email composer
> so it doesn't break up long lines, then surround the link with a set
> of <>, something like this: <snip>

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>

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