[Coco] Off-Topic Apple II stuff

Chris Osborn fozztexx at fozztexx.com
Fri Jun 26 12:21:30 EDT 2015

Since everyone seems to want to discuss the Apple II on the list, here’s the info I had sent to Michael:

> I haven’t found any mailing lists, if you do, let me know. The USENET comp.sys.apple2.* groups are still pretty active. There’s an Apple II forum on Atari Age http://atariage.com/forums/forum/158-apple-ii-computers/, and there’s an Apple II subreddit http://reddit.com/r/apple2. There’s also lots of Apple II people on RetroBattlestations http://retrobattlestations.com.
> I currently have an Apple IIgs (purchased the week it was released back in 1986), an Apple IIc, an Apple IIe, and an enhanced Apple IIe. My first computer growing up was an Apple II+. I still have the Epson MX-80 from the II+, but the II+ itself is long gone. My enhanced IIe is loaded up with an Apple Parallel card and an Apple Dot Matrix Printer (precedes the ImageWriter line), an Apple Workstation card so it can do AppleTalk and AppleShare and even boot over the network, an Apple Super Serial card, and a Z80 card which lets it run CP/M.
> If you’ve got blank floppies you can create disks from bare metal by using ADTPro. http://adtpro.sourceforge.net/
> The main Apple II software archive is Asimov: http://mirrors.apple2.org.za/ftp.apple.asimov.net/
> There’s also ASCII Express which will let you load software right from your phone through the cassette input on the IIe: http://asciiexpress.net/

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