[Coco] Rainbow On Tape / Disk Project June SECOND Pre-release available

Stephen H. Fischer SFischer1 at Mindspring.com
Mon Jun 1 17:47:59 EDT 2015


The June 6, 2015 SECOND Prerelease of the Rainbow On Tape / Disk Project is available. 

I realized that the ZIP File Date Problem words needed to be in the main project documentation. 

Then I got carried away by adding pictures to the main project download pages. 

I have a problem in that my word processor produces different from each other HTM and PDF versions. 

The Internet version only looks like the PDF when IE11 is at 150% zoom and matches what I see when editing. 

What other browsers are showing may be bad. 

I really would like some comments on this SECOND prerelease. 

Thank you all of those that have looked at the Internet Archive version. That's where I might have messed up badly and needs to be right for the CoCoNuts in twenty years. 
I will not be able to move the new files to the Internet Archive until tomorrow. 

I am only working on the main PDF and HTM file, the data files will remain the same. 

The only data file that has changed since the May release is:

"Rainbow_on_Tape_Disk_-_paper_inserts_20150606.zip" and it is just smaller.




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