[Coco] cocosdc info

K. Pruitt pruittk at roadrunner.com
Tue Jul 14 19:22:53 EDT 2015

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve Ostrom"
Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2015 4:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Coco] cocosdc info

> Am I wrong in assuming that RSDOS or HDBDOS does not care if the disk is 
> BASIC or OS9 when doing a disk copy?  Maybe the number of tracks used is 
> an issue, but I thought that the way data is stored is the same.  IIRC the 
> directory is located in a different place, but if the copy routine is just 
> doing a sector or track copy, there should be no differences.
> --- Steve ---

That makes sense. If each track or sector is just being copied as is, then 
there shouldn't be any difference.

I'm fairly certain I've seen a track by track copying utility somewhere.

Hang in there Josh. Hehe.

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