[Coco] Worst game ever...
Luis Antoniosi (CoCoDemus)
retrocanada76 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 23 14:43:56 EST 2015
I uses the ugly and useless Buff palette.
Seems that Nick Marentes is also keen to this palette...
Luis Felipe Antoniosi
On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 2:36 PM, Nick Marentes <nickma2 at optusnet.com.au>
> On 24/01/2015 1:41 AM, Bill Loguidice wrote:
>> Pooyan is one of my favorite arcade games, and a favorite home port on a
>> variety of systems. My only major disappointment with the CoCo version
>> (the
>> platform's relative graphic and sound capabilities aside) is that it runs
>> a
>> bit slow.
> Pooyan was a very good arcade conversion for the CoCo. It made good use of
> the CoCo's limited 4 color mode and had quite a few moving "sprites" on the
> screen. It was released by Datasoft and programmed by James Garon.
> It is a bit slow compared to the original arcade but remember that on the
> CoCo3 you can double the clock speed. You can also redefine the palette
> values to change the 4 x PMODE3 colors to more closely match the original.
> I believe there was a patched version of CoCo Pooyan that did this.
> The Atari 8-bit version of "Clowns & Balloons" benefited from paddle
>> support. It's a shame that the CoCo never had paddle controllers as far as
>> I know (I'm not about small runs of them). I would imagine with the
>> joysticks being analog that it wouldn't have been that difficult to create
>> relatively speaking.
>> -Bill
> Clowns and Balloons wasn't a great game but that wasn't a fault of the
> programmer. Steve Bjork actually did a very good job in creating it. C&B
> was another faithful arcade port. The game itself presented quite well on
> the CoCo and it's a great game for younger kids.
> I do remember seeing the Radio Shack ads and catalogue inserts that
> pictured C&B with 8 color graphics. I was quite dissapointed to see that it
> was only B/W (4 with NTSC artifacting). Artificially colored at the ad
> agency obviously rather than use a real screenshot. I remember feeling at
> the time that this was false advertising. :)
> Nick
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