[Coco] Amazon.com: Sherlock, 12 Puzzles, and Elementary JavaScript: The Fun Way to Learn JavaScript eBook: William Barden: Books

Allen Huffman alsplace at pobox.com
Tue Jan 13 17:21:53 EST 2015

William Barden popped by the CoCo Facebook page recently and mentioned his new book on JavaScript:


I am checking it out now, and thought I would share this with the list... He actually starts out talking about his TRS-80 days and, though he doesn't mention CoCo by name, he mentions his famous "Pi to 10,000 digits" Rainbow article. Here's the opening paragraph:

"Not too many years ago I wrote a series of books for Radio Shack computers. You may not be familiar with such computers as the original Radio Shack TRS- 80 (“Tandy Radio Shack- 80”) and the Radio Shack Color Computer, but they were 1980s powerhouse personal computers that came out about the same time as IBM brought out their PC and Apple introduced their first computers. The great thing about these computers is that they were accessible . They had a built- in version of a computer language called BASIC, and it was that. It was also a fairly powerful computer language. I once computed pi to 10,000 digits on one of these early PCs and wrote an article about it."

Cool, huh?
Allen Huffman - PO Box 22031 - Clive IA 50325 - 515-999-0227 (vmail/TXT only)
http://www.subethasoftware.com - https://www.facebook.com/subethasoftware
Sent from my iPad.

P.S. Since 4/15/2014, I have earned over $660 in Amazon gift cards! Sign up using my link and I get credit:

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