[Coco] MPI Design
RETRO Innovations
go4retro at go4retro.com
Sun Jan 11 23:34:15 EST 2015
I decided that a first step to understanding the Coco IO would be to
design an MPI for at least my benefit, and maybe others. I already make
a simple version of the same thing for the Commodroe 64, and this seems
I understand the $ff7f register, but looking at this schematic:
I am curious on a few things:
* U2 makes sense (buffer the data bus, no issues there, but I am
curious why the output lines were buffered with 367s (U1,6,7,9)
instead of octal 374s or 574s?
* U3/U7/U4 creates the IO register, no concerns there
* U14 allows the switch to drive the selections until a register is
loaded has happened. Cute. Interesting that if one reads $ff7f
before writing it, bits 2,3,6,7 seems to be undefined (probably read
as 1 since the output pins of U4 are HiZ until ENREG is brought high...
* U8 is address logic to derive the ENBUS, ENREAD, and LOADREG, but
why an inverter on LOADREG? The PAL could have done the inversion.
Does anyone know the equations?
* What is the difference in the PAL between Coco 1 and 2 and 3? I
can't seem to relate these
and (www.coco3.com/community/2010/06/26-3124-mpi-coco-3-upgrade-2/)
to the schematic. What is the patch doing, and why is it an
either/or situation?
* ON this page:
http://www.gimechip.com/files/CoCo/Paul_Barton/CoCoZilla/mpi.html ,
is there value in allowing someone to turn off the SCS and/or the
CTS signals (bit 7 and 3 of $ff7f)?
* Same page, why would there be value in putting the CART signal on
pin 1 of the cart port?
My thought is to use the following:
'245 for databus buffer
3 '574s for address and other signal buffering (replacing the 367s)
Xilinx XC9572XL-64 for the rest:
5 SCS lines
5 CART lines
5 CTS lines
4 switch inputs
8 bit databus
1 Q
1 E
1 R/W
4 LED indicator lines
16 address lines
Is there value in doing a 6 or 8 or larger MPI? It's trivial to do, but
the IO above takes up all of a 9572 IO, and each additional slot takes 1
SCS, 1 CART, 1 CTS, 1 switch line, and 1 LED line (5 lines), so if the
design should handle 6 or 8 slots, I need to cut down on the number of
address lines coming in (maybe restrict it to 8 and use the MPI trick of
leveraging a '30 to grab address lines 8-15 when high.
Also, any source for the PCB mount 20/40 connectors?
RETRO Innovations, Contemporary Gear for Classic Systems
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