[Coco] CoCo2 PAL version service manual

Steven Hirsch snhirsch at gmail.com
Thu Jan 8 13:12:09 EST 2015

On Thu, 8 Jan 2015, Daniel Campos wrote:

> Yes, a scope is a formidable tool for a hobbyist, but I always left it
> aside for other concerns. In fact I also need to acquire a temperature
> regulated solder iron and one of those Hako desoldering guns, those are
> impressive!

Interesting.  I'm thinking of augmenting my 'Blackjack' all-in-one 
rework/desolder/temp-regulated iron station with a Hakko FR-300.  The 
Blackjack is great for hot-air reflow and soldering, but rather anemic in 
its ability to pull solder from through-leads on multilayer boards.


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