[Coco] CoCo 128-column text mode

William Astle lost at l-w.ca
Wed Jan 7 16:37:56 EST 2015

On 15-01-07 01:49 PM, Allen Huffman wrote:
> Without attributes would be nice -- scrolling would hopefully be twice as fast. I forgot how sluggish PRINT is in 40/80 column mode. I did some tricks in my MiniBanners (1990) program to make it display instantly like an assembly program, and now I remember why I did that.

The reason the 40/80 column test display is to painfully slow on the 
CoCo3 isn't because of the attributes or scrolling. It's painfully slow 
because the code for displaying a character on the hires screens is 
<bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep> terrible.

Would you believe, it sets ALL 16 MMU registers one on the way in in 
preparation (to map the text screen into CPU space). Then it displays 
the character. Then it sets ALL 16 MMU registers *again* on the way out 
to restore the memory map. Not only does it set all 16 MMU registers 
*twice*, it does it in the least efficient manner possible. And it does 
that for each character printed.

I made a modification to the ROM which set only one MMU register on the 
way in and reset only one MMU register on the way out. Suddenly, the 
hires text screen output was almost the same speed as the 32 column 
screen, with no other changes. It's a relatively simple change to make. 
It only requires appropriating a few bytes of memory somewhere (say, the 
routine that does the inefficient mappings in the first place) and 
changing an LBSR call. The patch is as follows:

10 DATA 19,E0B5
20 DATA 34,02,86,36,B7,FF,A1,35
30 DATA 82,34,02,B6,E0,E2,B7,FF
40 DATA A1,35,82
50 DATA 3,F778
70 DATA -1
90 READ A$:A = VAL("&H"+A$)
100 FOR N=N TO 1 STEP -1
110 READ A$:B = VAL("&H"+A$)
120 POKE A,B
130 A=A+1
140 NEXT
150 GOTO 80

NOTE: this will be wiped out when you press "RESET" because the ROM will 
be recopied then.

The above program is not the most efficient way of doing it but it but 
you can see what it does.

It replaces the routine at E0B5 ("SELTEXT") with two smaller routines 
what are much more efficient:

	LDA #$36
	LDA $E0E2

Then it replaces the call at F778 which in the ROM is "LBSR SETMMU" with 
"JSR UNSEL". The UNSEL routine takes the value in the "MMU image" and 
restores it to the MMU (that's the E0E2 reference).

The above patch is also completely compatible with the existing 
"official" interface which includes "SELTEXT".

Using a short program that saves the TIMER value, prints out 450 As on 
the screen, and then shows the number of TIMER ticks elapsed, I was able 
to demonstrate that without the patch, the hires screen is about 15% 
slower than the 32 column screen when scrolling does not occur. 
Obviously scrolling an 80 column screen with attributes will take longer 
than scrolling a 32 column screen with none.

With the patch, the hires screen is only about 1.5% slower, much of 
which can be attributed to the overhead in SECB just getting to the 
screen display, and some can be attributed to inefficient code in the 
actual display routine (there is some less than good code in there but 
it's not as bad as what the patch above fixes).

I have a hand written routine somewhere that basically replaces the crud 
in SECB for handling the hires screen which runs even faster than SECB 
patched as above, but it's not easy to shoehorn in.

Before you ask, getting SECB to handle a 64 column screen isn't easy 
either because while it looks like the display routines and data 
structres were intended to handle arbitrary screen sizes, they were 
implemented by idiots (a bit harsh, probably) and, alas, do not handle 
it properly. You would think it would be as simple as setting up the 
GIME correctly, setting the screen width and size variables, and being 
done with it. Except that doesn't work. Scrolling has a check for 40 
columns and if found, it uses an 40 column specific scroll loop, and 
otherwise uses an 80 column specific scroll loop. It is, of course, 
possible to patch around, but it gets fiddly.

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