[Coco] Noob 6809 ASM programmer looking for tips

Dave Philipsen dave at davebiz.com
Sat Dec 26 09:26:30 EST 2015

Though I haven't used Robert's patched EDTASM I did start out using the original EDTASM way back when and it is a nice program. As I recall, it also has some nice debugging functions like breakpoints and the ability to view register contents. Sometimes I wish I had those tools with the package I use now!

Dave Philipsen

> On Dec 26, 2015, at 7:59 AM, Robert Gault <robert.gault at att.net> wrote:
> One of the very convenient tools for creating projects on a PC for use on a Coco was created by Roger Taylor. You can look at and obtain trial copies of the RainbowIDE at
> http://www.phoenixide.com/rainbowide.php
> Roger's latest product is the PhoenixIDE
> http://www.phoenixide.com/
> I happen to like the RainbowIDE not having experience with PhoenixIDE.
> These packages make it easy to create Basic or ml programs using a wide screen editor. You can install several assemblers that can handle pure ml or OS-9 ml programming.
> These packages work with the MESS emulator and can provide assembling code, placing the results on disk images, and starting the Coco MESS emulator for immediate testing with a single mouse click.
> If you want to do all of your assembly work on the Coco, you should consider my patch to Tandy's Disk EDTASM for programs that run with the Basic ROMs.
> http://aaronwolfe.com/robert.gault/Coco/Sales/Edtasm6309.htm
> If you are interested in programming under OS-9/NitrOS-9, the project disks contain the assemblers asm and rma.
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/nitros9/
> Other tools can be found at
> http://www.colorcomputerarchive.com/coco/Programming/
> A selection of sites containing good info can be found on the Internet, one being
> http://www.colorcomputerarchive.com/coco/Programming/
> Robert
> -- 
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