[Coco] Original Gamer Stevie Strow reviews Xmas Rush

James Ross jrosslist at outlook.com
Wed Dec 23 19:27:02 EST 2015

> From: barry.nelson at amobiledevice.com
> I do not have this particular game but based on the name of the two files the correct procedure should be:

Barry, True...  however, Salvador was asking about Floppy Drive 1 so technically it's


However, DECB has always allowed the shortcut to drop the .BIN and the enclosing double quotes as a shortcut.

in this case 


works just fine

> This is the standard way to load a Disk Extended Color Basic machine code program which will always have a name ending with .BIN.
>> Salvador Garcia ssalvadorgarcia at netscape.net
>> Wed Dec 23 13:22:32 EST 2015
>> Pardon my lack of knowledge:-) I downloaded the DDSK image, loaded it into VCC on floppy disk 1. and got a directory listing using DIR 1. I got two files: XMASRUSH.BIN and COPYING. How do I load and run XmasRush? Thanks! Salvador


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