[Coco] coco FLEX

Stephen H. Fischer SFischer1 at Mindspring.com
Tue Aug 11 01:40:38 EDT 2015

One of the messages back then said that the "CoCo-OS-9 Archive" had that file and one other by Bud.

FOLDER \\BA-0708A0\CoCo\CoCo - OS-9 Archive\CD Archive v4.4\MANUALS\CSC\
FILE 6502_6809_TRANS.zip 2,015,773
FILE 6502-6809Translator.pdf 937,390
FILE DynaCalc.pdf 1,745,565
FILE DynaCalc.zip 3,180,796
FILE SuperSleuth.pdf 2,589,694

I have the complete archive of the "CoCo-OS-9 Archive" http://www.os9projects.com/ and hope to get back to putting the entire ~ 17 GB online somewhere soon with permission from Dean who cannot.

Internet space and someone who can read BluRay disks with a fast ISP connection and upload the contents are needed.

Sorry, but I am doing other things and forgot about that task.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dave Philipsen" <dave at davebiz.com>
To: "CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts" <coco at maltedmedia.com>
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 9:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Coco] coco FLEX

>I don't mind sharing but I want to make sure it's ok with the author if 
> he's still around.  I haven't even tried to contact him yet and I don't 
> know if anyone else has recently either.
> Dave Philipsen

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