[Coco] About those EPROMS...

Bill Nobel b_nobel at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 8 21:45:35 EDT 2015

In a way you are right Stephen.  I have used 27128 Eproms in a 8k environment for the rom alone.  It all depends on the decoding (which in Coco land is already defined).  Sure there are different speeds for access times 20ns seems a very good standard for Coco. It is just a matter of an adapter board for using different roms on the main board.  All roms  have never stopped me for dumping the contents (even on the Coco).  This is how I converted Shanghai cart to OS-9 (then Alan took over <grin>)

Bill Nobel

> On Apr 8, 2015, at 7:19 PM, Stephen H. Fischer <SFischer1 at Mindspring.com> wrote:
> For ROMs there were some made that you could only execute the program in the ROM. 
> That made even reading the contents by addressing the ROM one address at a time not possible. 
> The intent of the EPROM designers did not include any method that the EPROM contents could be "dumped" by any other method except by addressing the (E) (P) ROM one address at a time.
> For the speed and size of the EPROMs we are discussing that does not take too long. The data sheet for the various EPROMs shows differences in the various versions. 
> There was no grand plan to make them all the same.
> So you need to look at the various EPROM's data sheets.
> The web page you linked to is not normal usage.
> CoCo programs could read carts just by taping one PCB finger and other EPROMs on new boards that are being designed for the CoCo.
> I fail to see the use of the method displayed beyond Gee It Works.
> Sort of like the EE professor that brought to class the first and only IC the EE department had. A two input NAND IC.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Robert Gault" <robert.gault at att.net>
> To: "CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts" <coco at maltedmedia.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2015 5:34 PM
> Subject: Re: [Coco] About those EPROMS...
>> Salvador Garcia wrote:
>>> Hi all, I’ve been reading the discussions that talk aboutEPROMs. This got my curiosity going. What reference material is recommended tolearn more on how to interface an EPROM (family 2732/64/128 etc) ?
>>> For example, if I want a dump of its contents, how would I goabout that? I found this instructable:
>>> http://www.instructables.com/id/EPROM-reader/
>>> However,  I would hopeto find something better as it is not my idea to address the EPROM one addressat a time! I searched for the pinout and it seems rather simple. Only threecontrol signals: /PGM, /OE and /CE. For normal use keep /PGM high and to readget the address on the bus and bring down /CE and /OE. The documentation doesnot specify what the difference between these two signals is or what happens ifI tie them together and just bring them down at the same time. It also does notmention if these inputs are high (or low) if not connected (or HiZ); I wouldimagine that they would be high.
>>> Any pointers on where I can find reading material to learnmore about these ships is appreciated. In the meantime I'll continue looking. Thanks! Salvador
>> There was a good article in The Rainbow by Tony DiStefano, March 1988, p158-159. 
>> You can also get data sheets for specific EPROMs.
>> Robert
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