[Coco] Picture of a Y-Cable

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Tue Sep 30 12:47:41 EDT 2014

On Tuesday 30 September 2014 11:50:11 Kandur did opine
And Gene did reply:
> Tim, a Y-cable for the Coco needs a plug, i.e. edge connector at one
> end. I'm affraid, only 3 sockets like the on this photo won't do.
> Kandur

Check your eyeballs Kandur, that is an male edge connector on the left 
end.  It needs to grow a handle to facilitate plugging it in, at which 
point your circuitry is at the mercy of a single ground in the whole 
cable.  And precisely why there are grounding ears on every card I ever 
saw that was made for the coco's.
> Monday, September 29, 2014, 10:44:09 PM, you wrote:
> > Here is a picture of a Y-Cable.
> > 
> > Please enjoy.
> > 
> > http://www.macmess.org/images/coco/Y-Cable.jpg

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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