[Coco] Ultimate Eprom/Flash Memory Pak Is Now 1 PCB

computerdoc at sc.rr.com computerdoc at sc.rr.com
Mon Sep 8 17:33:54 EDT 2014

Hi Everyone!
The Ultimate Eprom/Flash Pak is now 1 PCB with the ability to select between the M27C801 1MByte chip or the PM39F040 512KByte chip.  The Bank Select Register which is used to select which bank is the current bank has been assigned the addresses $FF42-$FF43 so as not to conflict with the Floppy Disk controller.  The M27C801 will hold 64 - 16KByte images and the PM39F040 will hold 32 - 16KB images.  Currently only one eprom chip or one flash chip can be installed on the PCB and the bank select register is not further decoded so this PCB will fit inside a GAME Pak Case.  This PCB should live just fine by itself, with a floppy controller, hard drive controller or anything else as long as $FF42-$FF43 are not used by anything else.  
Pending approval I will be asking if anyone would like to test this design for me.  I hope this product will be of interest as I have worked very hard over the last few days creating this PCB based on recent threads I've been reading.  I have also really enjoyed creating it.  I have a couple of friends looking over the design as it currently stands so as soon as it is approved, I'll have 3 PCBs made for testing.  Take care my friends.

Kip Koon
computerdoc at sc.rr.com

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