[Coco] Which Coco Emulator for Raspberry Pi?

Kandur k at qdv.pw
Tue Oct 14 18:24:14 EDT 2014

Thanks Bob,
my secoond question, is it worth trying it?
While Raspbian runs very fast on it,
would a Coco emulator be painfully slow? 
How would it handle graphics and windows,
use the mouse for joysticks and play games?
Anyhow, I bought it for a 24/7 linux web and ftp server,
and perhaps to run a torrent client 
with a big external drive connected to it.


Tuesday, October 14, 2014, 2:51:43 PM, you wrote:
> Hi Kandur,
> I have not yet been able to get any coco emulator to work on my 
> Raspberry Pi B/B+ running Raspbian.
> The sources for MESS won't compile, and there are no other emulators 
> available AFAIK.
> It is not possible to run Wine, since that requires an X86 processor.

> The Glenside newsletter documented a way to do it, but I couldn't get 
> that to work.
> Although I do get closer to working on my Banana Pi running LUbuntu, it 
> still crashes when started.

> Regards, Bob Devries
> Dalby, QLD, Australia

> On 15/10/2014 6:41 AM, Kandur wrote:
>> Now that I've got my Raspberry Pi 2.0 Model B 512MB working,
>> http://qdv.pw/coco/?p=403
>> which Coco emulator should I install on it?

>> Kandur

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