[Coco] The next coco3.....wish list

farna at amc-mag.com farna at amc-mag.com
Sun Oct 5 10:54:23 EDT 2014

Message: 10
Date: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 12:58:42 +1100
From: Mark McDougall <msmcdoug at iinet.net.au>

Of course the 2C5 is way too small in terms of memory, and also too small
logic-wise, which I mentioned a few weeks ago but that comment appears to
have been ignored as people have continued to entertain the idea of the 2C5
dev board... oh well.


Is there another mini board similar to the 2C5 that IS large enough?
Memory can even be off the FPGA can it not? Or would that tie up too many
I/O pins? The 2C5 has been mentioned because it's been used to create a
6809 computer, albeit much less capable than a CoCo3 (I think it's more
basic than a CoCo2 even... more like the Micro CoCo).

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