[Coco] Youtube of my new toy OS for the COCO

CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts coco at maltedmedia.com
Wed May 7 15:49:58 EDT 2014

As a side note:  I want to clarify that the goofy terminal problem that was
in part 2 was a bug in *my* software, not Aaron's DW4.  I killed the bug
this morning.

I forgot to shut off interrupts during the SERREAD/POLL DW transaction and
was loosing 3-4 bits off the bit-banger every once in a while (during
READS), cause bad data to be received.  ( the code was sloppily
cut-and-pasted from previously written routines that executed in an
interrupt context )

Nothing like public embarrassment to make you fix those type of bugs!

Brett M. Gordon,
beretta42 at gmail.com

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