[Coco] Suggestions?

Nick Marentes nickma2 at optusnet.com.au
Sat Jun 21 15:57:38 EDT 2014

On 21/06/2014 10:29 PM, Mark McDougall wrote:
> Hi Guys,
>  I have to say that the 6809 in general and the Coco3 in particular is 
> really growing on me and I can see now that its true potential was 
> harnessed by only a very few back in the day!
  I love the CoCo3!

Never was a fan of the CoCo 1/2 and I would have jumped ship to 
something else had the CoCo3 not come along.

You're right that there is so much potential that only a few have 
actually harnessed.

That's what I'm trying to do with my new game by using some of the 
GIME's capabilities in ways that haven't been done before.

No chance of making any money from it but the personaL satisfaction and 
challenge to push the boundaries and create the greatest arcade game for 
the CoCo3 is my driving force.


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