[Coco] 80 pin ultra wide SCSI drives for the Coco
k at qdv.pw
Fri Jun 13 17:28:03 EDT 2014
Sorry to hear about your bout with the Pulmonary Embolism,
it's serious, dangerous and not at all fun.
I am glad you are still here, and hope to see you on the list for a long time.
BTW, do you happen to know, if the M27C1001-10 EPROM
can be used in some of the Coco controllers, eprom packs?
Friday, June 13, 2014, 2:08:23 PM, you wrote:
> On Friday 13 June 2014 16:03:48 Kandur did opine
> And Gene did reply:
>> Most old Coco HD controllers were made for 50 pin SCSI-1 drives.
>> These days they are low on capacity, high on noise, rare
>> and priced ridiculously high.
> Humm. I have a pair of 1Gb seagate Hawks,
> scsi-ii interface, on my TC^3
> controller, works great. Those date back to
> the 90's and my amiga days.
>> Enter the 80 pin ultra wide SCSI drives,
>> they are high on capacity, low on noise and priced reasonably.
>> Add a cheap 80+64+50+power adapter, a 64 pin cable with terminator,
>> use your 50 pin cable to connect it to the old Coco controller.
>> It's in the testing phase here, now.
>> http://qdv.pw/eng/_photos/Computers/Coco/hd-setup/
>> Kandur
> That 73Gb is I believe well beyond what the
> coco/nitros9 can handle.
> OTOH, with 4Gb available as is, thats enough to archive just about
> everything ever compiled to run on the coco's.
> That limit is of course
> set by the size of the FAT, which is limited to
> 64Kb. But that, if a FAT
> bit is 64kb (256 sectors per cluster) then
> thats 34,359,738,368 bytes
> available per each "partition". Room enough
> for 2 such partitions on a
> 73Gb drive. But while I haven't checked, I
> suspect the 24 bit address on
> the scsi-ii buss itself would be a smaller
> limit because of overflows, and
> the actual limit then would still be
> 34,359,738,368 bytes per drive.
> I also have cabbaged some scsi-iii drives, 80 pinners, 300-500Gb
> capacities but haven't tried to cobble up the
> interfaces, they out of old
> apple video servers that have since self
> destructed when a fan failed.
> When the first one fried after about 6 months,
> Apples attitude was too
> bad, so sad, but we have more at $7995 each.
> At that point Jim started
> building our own, using linux, for about 2
> grand each. They are still
> working yet today.
> That adapter & terminator stuff is out of style & generally out of the
> supply chains since scsi was largely beheaded by sata.
> If someone still has that stuff on the shelf,
> please post the URL, I would
> invest myself if the medics leave me enough
> money. I had a PE that almost
> punched my ticket 2 weeks ago last Wed.
> evening, but the clot buster shot
> ($10G's) worked and I feel better than I have
> in months right now. Free
> bleeder though, taking warfarin till whenever. So I'll be around to
> heckle & be heckled for a while yet. I'll hit
> the 80th in October. CHF
> signs, like vary fat feet, are fading away by
> the day, as is the weight
> they represented.
> I am glad to still be here, and I'll make the
> statement that a Pulmonary
> Embolism (blood clot in the lungs) is a hell of
> a way to die, not at all
> pleasant.
> Cheers, Gene Heskett
> --
> "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
> soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
> -Ed Howdershelt (Author)
> Genes Web page
> <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>
> US V Castleman, SCOTUS, Mar 2014 is grounds for Impeaching SCOTUS
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