[Coco] Issues with NitrOS9 build

Robert Gault robert.gault at att.net
Sat Jan 25 19:23:43 EST 2014

Tormod Volden wrote:
> Where are these things documented? I mean 80 tracks, double sided,
> double density should set specific bits in LSN0, and I people here are
> saying which and so on, but where can I read the whole, authoritative
> story?
> Is this the best shot?
> http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/nitros9/index.php?title=NitrOS-9_Technical_Reference#Identification_Sector_.28LSN_0.29
> Before anything else, I would like to be assured that Toolshed "os9
> format" is doing the right thing.
> Tormod

I'd suggest you look at the os9.d and rbf.d files, rules.mak, and the 
bootfiles/makefile entries for current values. The url looks more like that data 
in the technical section of the Level2 owner's manual which has been enhanced by 

Microware did not cover 3.5" disks although IT.DNS does cover 48tpi and 96tpi in 

Toolshed os9.exe will handle 48/96tpi with the parameters -4 and -9. These 
parameters are not included in rules.mak nor in the makefiles that generate the 
DSK720K disks. Therefore it is not clear how Bob Devries got his DD.FMT.

We really need more details on how Bob compiled his disk sets.


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