[Coco] The early days of Hacking and Coding a CoCo Was: Here's a CoCo 1 ...

Steven Hirsch snhirsch at gmail.com
Mon Jan 20 21:11:50 EST 2014

On Mon, 20 Jan 2014, Aaron Wolfe wrote:

> When you combine this with the fact that one of the popular platforms is 
> completely controlled from what hardware you are allowed to buy to which 
> apps you are allowed to install by a single, massive, ridiculously 
> wealthy corporation.... welcome to the dark ages of computing :( Replace 
> the Church with the Corporation, literacy with computer literacy, etc... 
> scary to me.

Couldn't have said it better.  I received an iPad for Christmas a couple 
of years ago, but use it only to read newspapers, magazines and eBooks.

I don't use iCloud, don't store contacts lists and don't do any banking on 
it for the simple fact that I trust Apple about as far as I can hurl this 
thing.  A completely closed eco-system really bugs me.



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