[Coco] Amiga Systems

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Wed Jan 15 20:04:16 EST 2014

On Wednesday 15 January 2014 19:59:20 Mark McDougall did opine:

> On 16/01/2014 10:49 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > In case you
> > haven't noticed, they are clear to the rear of the mouse on the 10
> > dollar version, which makes then totally out of square because you
> > can't go sideways with your wrist when its under the wrist joint
> > itself.
> I haven't actually noticed that but then again, I'd *never* consider
> using a $10 mouse either. I learned years ago that cheap input devices
> cause nothing but frustration and my current home kbd/mouse combo are
> coming up to 8 years old now and haven't skipped a beat yet.
> > And the last one I bought, doesn't have a
> > scroll wheel, but a sensor strip that works like the finger pads on
> > your laptop, but it seems far more sensitive to sideways motion that
> > it ought to be.  I'd druther have the wheel any day.  So call me an
> > old fart, I want stuff to Just Work(TM).
> I'd steer well clear of any mouse with a sensor strip myself. I *hate*
> those darn pads on laptops; never been able to use them and have long
> since given up trying. My laptop has always had its own mouse, and since
> my laptop weighs 7kg and was bought purely for working OS, it's only
> ever used on a desktop anyway.

There's an echo in here.  Only reason I bought that $1700 HP Laptop at the 
time.  In 8 or 9 years I don't think its ever worked from my lap.  It gets 
tossed on the corner table in a motel room, fired up and connected & 
doesn't get shut down again till its loaded to go home.  Then it get used 
for a remote x-terminal on one of my cnc machines so I don't have to stand 
up to carve gcode for the next project.
> I'm going to put myself in the old-fart boat with you. I'm too far gone
> to bother with configuring and tweaking and learning. If it doesn't
> Just Work out of the box, I'm simply not interested.

Go right ahead Mark, I could use some younger muscle pulling on the oars. 
> Regards,

Cheers, Gene
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