[Coco] Printing on a Coco with modern printers.

John Donaldson johnab8yz at verizon.net
Sun Jan 12 16:10:17 EST 2014

i always thought that they should have kept printers with their own 
input interface. Back when all we had was parallel printers, I had mine 
connected to a Ethernet Print Server box with a memory module in 
between. You be surprise had fast that setup was. no waiting for the 
computer to finish buffering the print, no matter if it was text, image, 
or combo. Now a days the printer is a kinda a dumb terminal and the 
computer does it all the print work.

john Donaldson

On 1/12/2014 3:55 PM, Joel Ewy wrote:
> On 01/12/2014 02:01 PM, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
>> Le 2014-01-11 à 14:30:00, Joel Ewy a écrit :
>>> His favorite saying was something about how PS was a general purpose 
>>> programming language that just happened to be good at putting marks 
>>> all over otherwise blank sheets of paper.
>> When what you want is to allow the most complex graphics possible 
>> with a limited-bandwidth cable, the only way to plan for every 
>> possible upcoming interesting shortcut is to put a full computer 
>> inside of the printer and make the protocol a programming language. 
>> In some way, a generator of data is compressed form of its own 
>> output, and the decompressor is the interpreter that runs it.
> True enough.  I always thought it was pretty interesting when I was 
> reading his "Hardware Hacker" column back in high school and college, 
> but at that time there was no way on God's Green Earth I was going to 
> be able to afford a PostScript printer.  I have a handful of old 
> LaserJet 4s and 5s now, one of which is in active use.  Even so, I 
> think I'd rather spend my time setting up a Raspberry Pi as a 
> DriveWire/print server at this point.
>>  ______________________________________________________________________
>> | Mathieu BOUCHARD ----- téléphone : +1.514.383.3801 ----- Montréal, QC
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