[Coco] Modifying Level1/coco1 for 6309 native mode

Robert Gault robert.gault at att.net
Fri Jan 10 17:28:25 EST 2014

Robert Gault wrote:
I already reported the following failure.

> L05D2    lda   6,s                     get path
>           leax  7,s                     point to place on stack
>           ldy   #M$IDSize               read M$IDSize bytes
>           os9   I$Read
>           bcs   L061E

Well this is a system rather than user call and continues in ioman at

SIRead   lda   R$A,u
L03E4    pshs  b
          ldb   #EXEC.+READ.
L03E8    bsr   FindPDsc      OK
          bcs   L040B
          bitb  PD.MOD,y
          beq   L0409
          ldd   R$Y,u
          beq   L03F8
          addd  R$X,u
          bcs   L03FD
L03F8    puls  b
          lbra  CallFMgr

So far so good. This continues at

* B = entry point into FMgr
* Y = path desc
CallFMgr pshs  u,y,x,b
          bsr   L0499            OK
          bcs   L04C1
          stu   PD.RGS,y
          lda   <PD.DTP,y
          ldx   PD.DEV,y
          ldx   V$FMGR,x
          ldd   M$Exec,x
          leax  d,x
          ldb   ,s
          subb  #$83                    subtract offset from B
          lda   #$03                    size of one entry
          mul                           compute
          jsr   d,x                     branch into file manager

The above fails in H6309 mode. The jsr d,x goes into never-never land.


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