[Coco] clever idea didn't work

Robert Hermanek rhermanek at centurytel.net
Thu Dec 18 20:40:55 EST 2014

VGA monitor on my coco3 is great, thanks to Roy Justus converter, but no 
artifact colors on old games.  TV on my coco3 great, I get colors, but 
can't do 80 columns.  Epiphany:  I found an LCD TV sitting here, it has 
composite in, and VGA in.  So I hooked both up to my coco at the same 
time, now I can just hit the "input" button on remote control to switch 
between VGA and composite signals at will.  Perfect, except:  The TV 
will not display the VGA signal, says "mismatch resolution."  But the 
manual for TV says it supports 640x480, 60hz.  I plugged converter into 
a normal vga monitor, worked perfectly, brought up the menu and it says 
640x480 60hz. So.  Maybe TV doesn't support that res, and manual is 
wrong.  Or... could there be some other reason the converter output 
would not be recognized universally?


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