[Coco] More poor news for Radio Shack

Joel Ewy jcewy at swbell.net
Sat Dec 13 14:28:19 EST 2014

On 12/12/2014 08:43 AM, Allen Huffman wrote:
>> On Dec 12, 2014, at 6:55 AM, Gustavo Ranaur Schoenaker <ranaur at ranaur.net> wrote:
>> ...
>> I think they should go after repair/DIY market. They will need to lower the
>> prices of the comodities to be competitive. But they can add services, like
>> rent 3D printers. Repair/fix electronics, and other "nerdy" stuff. It will
>> be tough, but there is no opponent in this market.
> Yeah, going after the "Maker" market would make sense -- though so many other larger niche stores (Sharper Image, anyone?) have failed as well. I still think many of us use RadioShack for one-off quick projects, but then we would order stuff cheaper online once we figure it out. It would be nice if you could buy something in the store, then they would let you order online quantities of the same item as a competitive price.
> 		-- A

How many of us owe a debt to "Getting Started with Color BASIC"? What RS 
could do is put more effort into teaching people how to use the stuff 
they want to sell.  Remember all those Mims books?  Don't just sell an 
overpriced Arduino anybody could order for less, but commission "Getting 
Started" quality manuals and bundle them with an Arduino, a power 
supply, a proto-shield with solderless breadboard, tinned jumper wires, 
and an assortment of components.  Don't just cater to those few who are 
already into it and know they don't have to pay Shack prices, but expand 
the customer base by doing what they did with the CoCo:  giving rank 
beginners everything they need to get up and running from zero.


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