[Coco] Playing or converting CAS files

Charlie Pelosi chaspelosi at outlook.com
Sat Aug 16 19:22:37 EDT 2014

> Which tool did you use from Toolshed, and exactly how?
Renamed the Madness file Madness.cas. makewav -r madness.cas -o madness.wav 
> Note that not all CAS files can be converted by a simple utility to a
> WAV file that the CoCo will accept. CAS files are made for emulators.
> If it has shaved off some silence and sync sequences which are not
> necessary for emulators, a directly converted WAV file may be unusable
> for a real CoCo. Try loading the CAS file into an emulator and then
> save it as WAV. XRoar is pretty handy for such conversions.
What coco emulator that can do that works under x64 Windows?I can fire up an old Win98se box I have in the back to use older emulators.Maybe I will have to do that...
> Uh, CSAVEM ?
It is a bit more than CSAVEM now isn't it? I have clue on how CSAVEM works, but by itself gives a SN ERROR.I'm guessing it needs memory locations, and I'd have no idea how to know that by just LOADM"GAME from the disk drive. Thanks! -Charlie  		 	   		  

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