[Coco] Discrepancy between HDBLBA.ROM and the /I0, /I1, /IH device Descriptors

Kip Koon computerdoc at sc.rr.com
Fri Aug 15 22:33:10 EDT 2014

Hi NitrOS-9 Experts!

Here is my problem.  I have HDBLBA.ROM running on my Glenside IDE Controller
at the address $FF70.  The /I0, /I1 and /IH device descriptors have
HPA=FF50.  I have patched the rom image at $D93C from $70 to $50 to match
the descriptors, but the rom never sees my CF Card.  I've also tried
changing HPA to $70 in /I0 and /I1 with the Glenside IDE Controller at $FF70
to see if NitrOS-9 would see my CF Card.  In other words, I've tried the rom
and /I0 and /I1 at $FF50 together and at $FF70 together.  The Glenside IDE
Controller only works at $FF70 in the ROM and NItrOS-9 does not work at
either $FF50 nor $FF70.  Is there something I'm missing?  What else should I
check?  Thanks in advance you guys.  Take care my friends.


Kip Koon

 <mailto:computerdoc at sc.rr.com> computerdoc at sc.rr.com


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