[Coco] Blank PCB for EPROM-Based Cartridge

Steve 6809er at srbsoftware.com
Thu Sep 26 06:43:17 EDT 2013


The coco flash cart never did get the flash part working because of a deign of using the cart select line for both read and WRITE.  (The coco logic does not strobe the cart select line during the write cycle.)

Because of this design flaw in the board, the parts about the flash chip has been cross out to show that part of the cart design does not work.

As for using SD-card, that would not work since it use serial communication to access the data and the coco cart is 8-bit parallel data bus.  While sd-cards are fast, you could never take the address from the coco bus and send it serially into the sd-card and reassemble the data from the serial bus and get it back in time to compete the CPU's read clock cycle.

So no, a sd-card would not be a better solution.  Know the logic of what you are suggesting.

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> On Sep 26, 2013, at 2:17 AM, Jens <CoCoList at jensdiemer.de> wrote:
> A better solution should used a SD-Card instead of a fixed soldered flash chip, isn't it?

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