[Coco] SysCall source listing

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Wed Nov 27 00:57:50 EST 2013

On Wednesday 27 November 2013 00:48:31 Wayne Campbell did opine:

> Gene, I have searched through every manual there is. Level 1 and 2
> development system manuals, Basic09 Level 1 and 2 manuals, C compiler
> manual. I have not found it. If you manage to remember where it is,
> please let me know so I can grab a copy. ;)
> Wayne
This frustrating. I am pretty sure I stumbled over it someplace, obviously 
with the original coders own comments and they were exact ly what you would 
expect to see if you were looking over the coders shoulder, but I don't 
recall when or where after all these years.

I don't recommend getting old Wayne, its definitely not for wimps.  With 
this screwed up knee, It would take me a good 10 painful minutes just to 
get to where the devel manuals are lined up on a shelf in the basement.  If 
not there, the next place I'd look would be in the Rainbow index's.  Or 
maybe it managed to get to rtsi.  But those are not even SWAG's, only 
mentioned to make sure the bases have been covered.  Sorry.

Cheers, Gene
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