[Coco] DW4 problems...

Al Hartman alhartman6 at optonline.net
Fri Nov 8 13:28:28 EST 2013

I finally found my box of CoCo master disks. So, I set up my CoCo 3 in order to copy my ADOS original to a disk image.

I loaded the ROM file via the cassette port – fine.
I put drive 0 as local: DRIVEOFF 0 – fine.
I put the disk in drive 0 and do a DIR – fine.
I have a disk image I call “BLANK.DSK” which is a DMK file of a 35 track RSDOS disk. I make a copy that I rename to ADOS.DSK and mount it as drive 1.
I do a DIR 1 on the Coco 3 and see the disk directory. It had files in it from before, so I format it: DSKINI1 – fine.
I do a DIR 1 to confirm that the disk is now blank – fine.
I do: BACKUP 0 TO 1  the disk accesses and the DW4GUI shows 630 sectors written.
I do a DIR 1 and it shows the files.
I eject the disk, and open it with WINIMGTOOL.EXE from M.E.S.S. – It shows the original set of files I thought I erased.
I remount the disk as drive 1, and do a directory of drive 1 and still see the old files I thought I erased.

I try this several times, with the same result each time.

In the DW4GUI, the image is shown as a DMK image.

I do the exact same thing with another disk image that shows up in the GUI as a RAW image, and it works fine.

What’s going on?

When I try to create a disk image in the DW4GUI it is not created or mounted. Nothing happens.

-[ Al ]-

P.S.: If there is any Spectrum Projects software missing from the Archive, let me know I probably have it now. I just sent Bill “ADOS” from my master disk.

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