[Coco] CM3,MAX,BAS formats

Arthur Flexser flexser at fiu.edu
Wed Nov 6 01:48:11 EST 2013

Each Basic program line consists of a 2-byte pointer to the start of
the following line, a 2-byte representation of the line number
(MSB,LSB), and the tokenized line content, with each Basic keyword
replaced by a one-byte token.  (Function keywords are two bytes,
starting with $FF.)  The end of the program has two zero bytes instead
of a pointer to the next line.  The Unravelled series has a list of
the tokens, if you need those.


On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 11:59 PM, Mathieu Bouchard <matju at artengine.ca> wrote:
> Le 2013-11-05 à 21:47:00, Arthur Flexser a écrit :
>> What .BAS format are you referring to?  Are you referring to the
>> graphic files output by PIXCMP/MAXCMP.BAS, which consist of an ASCII
>> Basic loader of a few lines followed by ASCII data lines that the ML
>> program poked in by the loader recreates the graphics from?  I have
>> specs for that one.
> I don't know those, I mean the binary ColorBASIC format itself, for
> recording programmes. I put it together in the same mail because those are
> some of the most important formats to me.
>  ______________________________________________________________________
> | Mathieu BOUCHARD ----- téléphone : +1.514.383.3801 ----- Montréal, QC
> --
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