[Coco] SuperIDE and floppy disk

Luis Antoniosi (CoCoDemus) retrocanada76 at gmail.com
Thu May 9 12:31:05 EDT 2013

? PEEK(&HFF90) gives me 126.

So the kit is there.

On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 12:23 PM, Gene Heskett <gheskett at wdtv.com> wrote:

> On Thursday 09 May 2013 11:59:07 Retro Canada did opine:
> > i am using 51 and not $51
> Which translates to $33, or slot 4.  Exactly as if you had powered it up
> with the switch set to 4.
> The problem with coco3's and MPI's in that the coco3 writes to the GIME's
> memory mapping registers in the $FF90-$FF9F block.  But the address decoder
> in the MPI is as usual for tandy, very very incomplete, and those writes
> also get decoded to the MPI's slot select logic at $FF7F.
> The CoCo3 fix kits fix that, so a screen change on the coco3 doesn't muck
> with the MPI's slot select.
> > but i have fdc (4), superide (3), orch90(2) and s/sc on (1)
> Do you know for a fact that none of the above carts share an I/O address,
> which is normally done in in 4 byte wide pieces, the FDC being addressed
> at, depending on which register in the FDC chip is being addressed, $FF40
> to $FF43, and the drive control logic is at $FF48.  But because of the
> defective address decoding, the FDC registers also appear at $FF50-FF53,
> and the drive control logic at $FF58.  Because of this, no other pack can
> have an address below $FF60.  That leaves IF the packs are fully decoded,
> room for only 7 devices out of the whole menagerie of carts we actually
> have, many of which paid zero attention to staying within a 4 byte block
> for their address usage.  The WP-RS I have, had an unused gate in it that
> can be used to restrict it to one 4 byte wide block, but as OOTB, it uses
> the top two byte of the $FF64 block, and the bottom 2 bytes of the $FF68
> block.
> I don't own a superide, or an orch90, and I haven't plugged in my s/sc in
> at least 15 years, so I have no idea where they are physically addressed.
> So I think you can see that you are dealing with a minefield, and the first
> thing you'll need to do is make sure that kit is installed in your MPI, and
> then adjust the address decoding, and the driver software both, if there
> are any addressing clashes in your setup.  It sure sounds like there is
> from here.
> Cheers, Gene
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