[Coco] Sorry aboiut my absense

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Tue Mar 26 09:02:13 EDT 2013

Greets all;

And no, contrary to the whispers going around, I haven't 'fallen over'.

I had a problem with gmail the last week of February, they tried to tell my 
my machine was compromised as the reason I was locked out of my account.  
Sure I was, bunch of windows idiots seem to have invaded google.  

First,I don't click on links unless I know the sender, for starters.

Second, all of my machines on this little home network are behind a buffalo 
netfinity router running the real dd-wrt.  The length of the password 
required to get through it from the outside is estimated in the eons by 
John the Ripper.

Third, this is linux, java services are disabled except for the jar that 
runs the dw server.  The chances of my being hacked and owned are fairly 
slim IOW.  Even a driveby wifi thief would find it hard to get into here 
via that as its running the good security model with a passphrase that 
resembles a couple paragraphs of War & Peace.

However, failing to convince google that something was wrong got me to 
scrambling around moving all my list subscriptions to a different mail 
server, and somehow in the process of unsubbing from one address and subbed 
to the new one, mail delivery was suspended.  Now, 2 weeks later, gmail is 
working again and I haven't changed a thing.  Idiots.

I get lots of email, and didn't notice this list seemed to have gone 
silent.  So I looked it up, but the password of record would not login.  So 
I have mailman send me a pw reminder, which was indeed correct.  So I went 
back and this time the password worked, and I find list delivery had been 
suspended.  Fallout from googles screwup?  Dunno, but its back on now, or 
so it says.

So I've not gone away, but I have no messages since 27 Feb 2013.  So I've 
missed all the hot & heavy discussions for about the last month.  Bummer.

Cheers, Gene
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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Original thought is like original sin: both happened before you were born
to people you could not have possibly met.
		-- Fran Lebowitz, "Social Studies"
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