[Coco] Introducing the next generation of Color Computer, the CoCo-X

Bill Loguidice bill at armchairarcade.com
Wed Mar 20 22:01:49 EDT 2013

I wish you luck with this if/when it gets approved (big fan of Kickstarter
too, having supported several dozen projects). It's a tiny bit of a shame
it's happening now and there couldn't have been some coordination with
events/efforts like CoCoFest and our upcoming CoCo book, because I bet some
of the tiers could have included related extras like that (I know our
publisher would have been happy to kick in some books, for instance). Every
bit of cross-promotion for something like this couldn't have hurt. In any
case, please let us know once it's up.


Bill Loguidice, Managing Director; Armchair Arcade,
Authored Books<http://www.amazon.com/Bill-Loguidice/e/B001U7W3YS/ref=ntt_dp_epwbk_1>and
Film <http://www.armchairarcade.com/film>; About me and other ways to get
in touch <http://about.me/billloguidice>

On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 3:11 PM, Gary Becker <Gary_L_Becker at yahoo.com>wrote:

> I just finished entering a project into KickStarter.com. This project is
> to develop the next generation Color Computer, the CoCo-X. This project
> develop a replacement main board for an existing Color Computer 3 case. The
> main board would include an FPGA to implement the Color Computer circuitry.
> As with the CoCo3FPGA, the max speed would depend on the chosen FPGA, the
> goal would be to run at least 20 MHz. The main board would also include an
> optional socket that would fit a 6x09E processor for users that needed
> cycle accurate computing. The speed would be reduced to match the processor
> in the socket. The main board would also include most of the original Color
> Computer 3’s original IO ports. The expansion slot would be implemented,
> but speed would be limited while accessing the slot. This first generation
> of main board will implement the Color Computer 3 basics. In the future,
> upgrades to the FPGA code to implement an extended feature set will be
>  available.
> Here is a list of planned IO ports:
> CoCo3 Keyboard
> Bit Banger / RS232 port
> PS/2 Keyboard / Mouse port
> Expansion slot
> CoCo3 RGB and/or VGA
> Joystick ports
> Stereo Sound
> If this project is to get started, your support will be needed. For the 30
> days after KickStarter approves the project, the site will allow people to
> pledge money to fund the project. No money will be charged until the
> minimum funding limit is reached. There are two levels of funding. For a
> $25 pledge, you will receive a "Powered By CoCo-X" sticker. For a pledge of
> $250, you will receive one of the first replacement main boards to install
> into you own Color Computer 3 case.
> There have been discussions of the next generation of Color Computer for
> many years. A real alternative is finally here. But this can only happen
> with your help. I set the funding level low enough that it is doable, but
> high enough to get the component prices in range. The funding level might
> still seem high, but it does not seem to be worth getting started for less.
> It is all up to you. If you think this is the next generation of Color
> Computer, then show it and pledge. I will send out one more message as soon
> as the project is approved and funding begins.
> Gary Becker
> --
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