[Coco] (no subject)

Bill Gunshannon billg999 at cs.uofs.edu
Fri Mar 8 13:10:55 EST 2013

Greetings all,
  After a long hiatus I am getting back into the COCO, primarily
NitrOS9 (which wasn't even around when I last used my COCO's  I
did OS9 Level1 and when it came out I also did Level2).

  My first setup is a COCO3 with 512 and a Cloud9 SuperIDE with 40
Meg disk, two 40 Track Doublesided 5 1/4 floppies and a Deluxe RS232
Pak.  Oh yes, and an MPI.

  I have got it most of it working using the instructions that came
with the SuperIDE.  But I have one problem. I have built my custom
system using my own bootlist and script.  Everything is fine, except
for two modules.  For some reason /i1 and /ih don't load.  No errors.
No complaints, they just aren't there after bootup.  Anything I
should be looking at?  They work when I boot from the SuperIDE floppy
but not from my hard disk.

And, just to get started, another couple of questions.

Is there a simple mod that would allow me to add a second RS232 PAK
tot he system?  I assume it would require just changing the address
on the PAK and making a modified driver module that knows about the
new address.  Has anyone done this yet?

I saw the messages about the SD module.  I have a couple of those
uDrive cards and a useless modem PAK.  Anybody looked at hacking
the two of these together for a uDrive module?

Is there any way to use more than 4 PAKs?

And one last one for now.  I have the Speech/Sound PAK and the Stereo
Music Synthesizer PAK.  Anybody ever do drivers for these?

Really looking forward to playing with this again as it was always a
great system.  Oh yeah, and while I haven't tried changing the console
I do all of my real work from a remote VT220.  Easier onthe eyes and
a really nice keyboard.  :-)


Bill Gunshannon          |  de-moc-ra-cy (di mok' ra see) n.  Three wolves
billg999 at cs.scranton.edu |  and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
University of Scranton   |
Scranton, Pennsylvania   |         #include <std.disclaimer.h>

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