[Coco] SuperComm and DW4 virtual modems

Joel Ewy jcewy at swbell.net
Sat Mar 2 23:53:56 EST 2013

On 03/02/2013 10:25 PM, Joel Ewy wrote:
> On 03/02/2013 09:54 PM, Aaron Wolfe wrote:
>> On Sat, Mar 2, 2013 at 10:49 PM, Joel Ewy <jcewy at swbell.net> wrote:
>>>> Good luck!  What you want to do is quite doable but will probably take
>>>> a little experimenting.
>>> Thanks, Aaron.  I've got it working more or less.  SuperComm isn't 
>>> doing a
>>> stellar job of replicating what I see in an xterm with elinks or 
>>> links2 or
>>> w3m, but it is putting something reasonable up on the screen. I 
>>> think what
>>> you said about VT100 emulation might be the clue I need. SuperComm 
>>> calls it
>>> ANSI, but maybe that means something different to SuperComm than it 
>>> does to
>>> Ubuntu.  I think I'm going to try setting term=vt100 and see if that 
>>> gets
>>> better results.  It's also interesting to try to figure out what 
>>> keys to use
>>> on the CoCo 3's keyboard to do what I want it to do.
>> Most linuxes have quite a few variations on vt100 and ansi (which are
>> sort of the same, at least on the basic stuff).  vt100a, vt102, vt52,
>> vt100b etc.  If you find one that works particularly well let me know
>> and I'll add it to the docs.
> Well, I installed a program called vttest, at which SuperComm is 
> failing pretty spectacularly.  I'm trying to remember if there were 
> other OS-9 terminal emulators back in the day that might have done a 
> better job at pretending to be a vt100 or ANSI terminal...

OK, I can already tell that KBComm ( 
ftp://os9archive.rtsi.com/OS9/OS9_6X09/COM/kbcom.ar ) has better vt100 
emulation than supercomm.  The web pages and menus in links2 are 
rendered properly.  I think I'll be using KBComm, at least for now.


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