[Coco] Coco 2 & 3 US Needed for Experiments

Harry Hurst hhos at st-tel.net
Sat Mar 2 10:07:35 EST 2013

> Hello Everybody,
> I need to acquire a Coco 2 and a Coco 3, US versions, preferably with
> sockets and an Hitachi HD63C09E but not necessary, for interfacing
> experiments.  If anybody has anything resembling the above laying around,
> I
> would be interested in talking with you.  I have one Coco 2 and Coco 3
> that
> I want to keep pristine.  If I have only one of something, I rarely modify
> it so I have a reference to go by if something doesn't go as planned.
> That's my way of covering the oops'.  J  If they already have other mods
> then that will be ok as well.  All offers will definitely be considered
> including DOAs as long as they are physically intact.  Thank you guys for
> digging around in all your "goodie" boxes!  :P  Happy Coco Hunting!
> Kip

There are several CoCo2's available on eBay, and at least one CoCo3. Here
are some that I found in just a couple of minutes.






The CoCo3 looks like it is a DOA, but re-seating the GIME might fix it.


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