[Coco] Kinda disappointed with 6809 assemblers
Luis Antoniosi (CoCoDemus)
retrocanada76 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 30 23:03:42 EST 2013
Been using different assemblers and for me they all seem to lack very basic
for example, I want to create a simple array of 256 zeroes ? Then I need to
do this ?
array fcb 0,0,0,0,0,0,0...,0 ???
what if my array was sized set by the size of the code ? impossible.
Maybe I'm spoiled by Z-80 assemblers. For example in z-80 it would be:
array: db 0,256
simple as that. Another good example of what is impossible with 6809 asms:
I have a game using some 8k memory banks mapping, and I need to include a
binary file into a determined bank since it's a ROM file, that would be:
org 16384
WORLD11BIN: incbin "data\WORLD11.MGL",0x108,0x1000
ds BANK_SIZE - ($$ % 8192),0ffh
not only the code above would include my binary file WORLD11.MGL into the 3
bank as it would fill the rest of the remaining bytes (in the bank) with
0xFF. And look the include bin, it has an offset and a size, so I don't
need to include the entire file.
Other nightmare: math operations in constants. Look that:
I want to make:
KEY_LEFT equ $0503
then in my code I would like this:
lda (KEY_RIGHT >> 8),x
bita #($01 << (KEY_RIGHT & $00ff))
but I can only use very basic math operations on it and shifts and ands are
BTW the code above core dumps with lwasm, also a single cmpx with no
parameters crashes too.
unhappy programmer :(
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