[Coco] MAMOU bug?

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Wed Jan 23 20:59:58 EST 2013

On Wednesday 23 January 2013 20:48:47 T. Franklin did opine:
Message additions Copyright Wednesday 23 January 2013 by Gene Heskett

> That's because it is an illegal Reg name. Check your spelling... You can
> either PUSH S or PUSH U
> PSHU S isn't even a 6809 function

Sure it is, however I believe the post byte register breakdown graphic near 
the top of Page A54 in Motorola publication M6809PM(AD) where it says bit 
b6 is the regs.u is an error, because the 3rd and 4th lines below it do say 

That isn't the only mistake in that Document, but it is AFAIK, the only 
official Motorola Microprocessor Programming Manual.

However, the normal programming conventions for os9 would make ANY 
adjustment of regs.u, normally pointed at the programs data area by the OS 
itself, a very highly populated mine field. IOW, don't.

Cheers, Gene
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I was taught to respect my elders, but its getting 
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