[Coco] Coco2 Peritel 64k issue

Luis Antoniosi (CoCoDemus) retrocanada76 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 8 18:02:03 EST 2013

hi all,

Just got the french coco2 peritel model 26-3136A.


It has a beautiful RGB output as you can see. But I have an issue when
upgrading to 64K. I replaced the 2x4116 for 2x4464 and shorted the 64K
RAM jumper.

The machine will boot normaly shows the memory correct, load os-9, dw,
everything seems to be correct until you have to turn if off and on.
It will get a cold boot instead showing OK on the left upper corner.
Wainting 10 secs, no result. 1 minute ? Nope! I need to wait like 3-4
minutes to get a warm boot ! Or type POKE 113,0 and or reset or turn
it off/on.

The superIDE will work for the first time but the next times it will
go crazy. I need to make the long wait for it.

If i put back the 16K it works and reboots normally. I tested several
4464 chips from 120ns to 150ns.

What could be the problem ? The room temperature is about 18C.

Long live the CoCo

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