[Coco] Unleashing the Dragon: native HDB-DOS/SuperIDE for Dragon32

Stephen Castello zootzoot at cfl.rr.com
Fri Aug 16 14:07:56 EDT 2013

On Fri, 16 Aug 2013 09:57:51 -0700 (PDT), Mark Marlette
<mmarlette at frontiernet.net> had a flock of green cheek conures squawk

>So if a .dsk or .img was a .jpg it would xfer or does it look at more than the ext?

I tried a text file with a .jpg on two different pcs by copying the
file to the card into the directory the A65 saves to, nothing
transferred.  One pc had the eyefi software installed, the other
didn't. Photos transferred fine with my Sony A65. The card I have is
the 8GB Pro X2.

I also tried a couple of jpg photos, they also didn't transfer.  There
must be something that tells the card it's in a pc or camera.

I used the eyefi card reader and a multicard reader for the testing.

www.eye.fi only talks about using the card in a camera.  It does say
it detects photos and video files to transfer.



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